Sunday, August 22, 2010


       Two guys were standing in my shady parking spot when I got there this morning. I smiled and wiggled a finger at them to let me in. It was going well until I stepped out of the car and they offered to help me carry in my stuff… I didn't have any stuff—no goodies—again today. I ducked my head low, and shuffled across the parking lot, shoulders sagging. At least they got a little chuckle out of it.
       My real job (the one that faded last winter and got me into the kitchen business in first place)—that job—has kept me hog tied to the computer night and day for months now. I am tired. I am almost too tired to play.
       So I slept in this morning, and did not apologize when for cruising into Joey's kitchen at 10 o'clock. I was well rested, thinking nothing could come between me and my Sunday-Lady fun.
       Joey and I began with lots of laughs—largely related to the MATH we needed for the sandwich count. Only two bags in the fridge! So… um… we needed 43 more sack lunches, or 86 sandwiches. Just made my eyes water.
       Then Joey suggested I make some deviled eggs—we had ONE HOUR to cook the eggs and prepare them—for 40 people. Adrenaline comes in handy sometimes. Those sandwiches came together so fast, I couldn't believe it myself, and Joey helped me put them in baggies. Then I threw the lot of them in the refrigerator, to clean the prep table for deviled eggs.
       Around 11 o'clock I began to think something wasn't quite right, but I kept up the pace. We served hot dogs in buns, potato salad, baked beans, and deviled eggs to both of our groups. Then Anna called to say she was coming in this afternoon, and I wouldn't have the PBJ duty! That's always wonderful to hear, but this time I knew it was more wonderful than ever because by noon I was completely aware of a full-blown UTI! I had to come home and dig out some medicine—right then.
       So there you have it. It was a wonderful morning in the kitchen, our music was better than ever because the machines were quiet today, and Joey has surely become one of the brighter lights of my life; but, today it was all abbreviated.

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