Sunday, May 24, 2015


       Just Doug, Mr. A. and I were there this morning, and with what little we had to do, we actually got in one another's way at times.
       To celebrate this holiday weekend, Doug had 100 greasy hotdogs boiling, that many buns, a huge pot of thick chili (I could NOT smell that stuff—it looked like chili, but if it had any flavor I'll never know). I was assigned to chop two large onions, and before it was over I'd shed a lot of tears. We served prefab potato salad on the side, giving it out generously as this was its expiration date. Some of the buns had already expired by virtue of having molded. Those were tossed, of course.
       Mr. A. spent literally hours bagging gooey doughnuts. I didn't help him for very long, as the sticky, sugary, frostings and chocolate kept gumming up my gloves. I don't know how Mr. A. tolerated the task, but he seemed to enjoy it. There were hundreds of doughnuts (and doughnut holes) to bag for sack lunches. Too, they'll be served out at snack times.
       We had no children today, and if there was an interesting resident, I don't recall them.
       The high point of the morning for me was discovering Doug and Mr. A. on the floor of the dishwashing side of the kitchen. Doug was excitedly retrieving a BOX from far underneath a counter. It had been shoved well out of sight by you-know-who. This was so enlightening! So here's the skinny:
       Miss Lillian doesn't like to bag sticky doughnuts for sack lunches. She prefers to drop Twinkies in the bags—no muss, no fuss. Doug had not seen any Twinkies (or cookies) all week—until today. OUT he crawled from under that counter, just bursting with delight, and with Lillian's huge stash of Twinkies! I was instructed to SERVE every one of those Twinkies for lunch. Any leftovers would be handed out for afternoon snacks. Oh, they are an interesting bunch!
       That was every bit as good as fireworks.

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