Sunday, March 3, 2013


       The parking lot was full this morning. I can only guess that the cars belong to the residents and possibly two workers. I wondered if it had anything to with the sub-freezing temperature. At any rate, I had to park behind the building and go in the back door—the door that I'm always so hesitant to answer. Dean let me in.
       Given time, everything changes. On Thursday, I was well. On Friday, I had some sinus issues. Yesterday, I stayed in bed with a sore throat. This morning, I felt much better, but I have a really snotty nose. Looks like an ordinary cold. So I sallied forth to the shelter, knowing I'd be wearing gloves all morning.
       Dean was glad to see me. He explained today's plan of attack and that he needed to finish some custodial duties while I held down the kitchen fort. Really, there was very little holding down to do. Several stacks of leftovers were on the stove and work table. One group of plates held hot dogs, coleslaw, and baked beans. The other stack, however, held only thick (mostly bread) pizza and fries.  Here, have some starch for lunch… 
       Dean gave me a pan of cold meatloaf which I put in the oven. He found three bags of coleslaw for me to dress, and I found some applesauce. There was chili warming on the stove and we had a small bowl of chopped onion.
       Mr. Huggy was in charge of Miss Lillian's prewritten dinner plan, and Dean was to get that ball rolling while the Hugs was at church. The list was chicken, peas, and broccoli/cheese. I asked if those were "green" peas? Dean thought they were.
       "Surely," I said, "he means some sort of brown or dried peas! Nobody wants two green vegetables at once!" (Not that such a menu would harm any of those nutrition-deprived shelter residents.) As I scanned the pantry, I saw several #10 cans of black-eyed peas. They're simmering now. Dean washed the chicken wings and put them in the cooler to await Mr. Huggy's administration.
       As the pre-release came through, I offered them their choice. I won't repeat the menu, but clearly, giving them so many choices makes a big difference in attitude. They really enjoyed lunch! The next group did too. Even Dean and I enjoyed it. We got to give people what they wanted and all they wanted. That's a first. Our gatekeeper was the lady I like so much; I left toys with her for the children.
        Dean thanked me for coming in, but I am The Sunday Lady; what else can I do? Miss Lillian never did do Sundays except in an emergency. Mr. Huggy has church bus duty, and I don't see any hope for turning back this clock.
       I didn't hang around after 12:30; changing gloves every time I needed to blow my nose was challenge enough. At the moment, things are going downhill again, but it's just that time of day.
       Went. Saw. Served.

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