Saturday, September 22, 2012


       I called Joey on Saturday to talk about our Sunday lunch menu. He was thinking "soup," he said. I knew that.
       So I asked him what did he have in the pantry... in the big fridge... in the freezer... and he gave it a lot of thought. He wasn't AT the shelter at the time, but he was audibally walking through those places, while I held the phone to my ear.
       We concluded that having fish would be okay because it had been four days since that was last served, and Joey had cole slaw and mashed potatoes that were ready to serve. Another easy, easy menu!
       Then Joey told me that he had only ONE pre-release to come to lunch (on Saturday), and furthermore, there were only SIX in the whole shelter! If that weren't shocking enough, the "homeless residents" have dwindled to a paultry dozen or so for lunch! (Dinner has more takers, but lunch is where I go...)
       So I allowed as how my back could use a day of rest, and I could see no gain in spending 2 hours on my feet to feed a dozen folks, when Joey could do that with both hands tied behind his back. He agreed.
       I'll miss my people... but it's good to know that they have better places to be. That is SO good to know!

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