Sunday, June 17, 2012


      Naturally, a shelter would see change, as folks come and go, but lately it seems as if this shelter is in overdrive with change. Rick, the new social worker I met last week was keeping the gate this week. When I arrived, Joey was mopping and keeping company with one of the pre-release. Joey had set out everything I needed to prepare the meal we'd planned. It was so well orchestrated that I had time to pack 20 sack lunches (ew).
       I made some little kabobs yesterday, with cheese cubes, olives and cherry tomatoes. The chicken salad was heaped on a fresh lettuce leaf and flanked with kabobs. We had fruit cocktail with bananas and little marshmallows in one of the other plate sections, and in the third we had diced potatoes, buttered and parslied.
       This attractive and healthy meal went over well, but didn't make the big splash that last week's quiche did. Still, it was worth the effort, and we had enough to offer seconds. "Vegan-tarian" lady grumped that she "couldn't eat" the chicken salad, and to my surprise, she asked for several extra kabobs (with cheeses), after telling me in no uncertain terms last week that she eats ONLY vegetables. Something has added an extra 75 pounds to her grumpiness—maybe it's that vegetarian cheese.
       Children: Joey and I were looking out the back window at a parking lot where we saw two families walking toward our building. One person was pulling a suitcase on rollers. Joey was quick to tell me how disgusted he is with those people, "dragging their children around like that—might as well be sleeping under a bridge!"
       One of the families was that of last week's little girl. The other was also a young couple, and they have two children, about 4 and 6. They all came to lunch, but I was forced to scrape up goodies for the kids because I was expecting only the little girl, and I hadn't gone prepared for more.
       The family with the four babies has left. I am relieved to not have them there as watching the dysfunction was wearing on me. Word has it they have their own place now, so that's good.
       Phil was in a good mood, laughing it up with Joey, and planning to hang out with him this afternoon. Why is he there? Where did he come from? Where will he go?
       Mr. Huggy came dragging in as I was preparing to leave. He's not doing very well. His hugs are even weak. I gave him a plate to take home. Then Joey and I made plans for next week. Joey says people have been asking for "the soup." I've heard it myself. So I went through the mystery box and came up with many cans of wonderful things for our next Sunday meal. Joey wanted us to make stone soup. "We always make stone soup," I reminded him. I'll make deviled egg sandwiches to go with it… gosh, I guess our extra-large vegan-tarian will go hungry!
       So today was quiet. Preparation was simple, serving went smoothly, and when I left, positively everyone was outside sitting in the grass. Now to go find the grass for me.

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