Sunday, February 3, 2019


     Doug and Hottie were in low gear at 9:45 when I arrived, just biding their time until the lunch rush. Doug had some meatloaves in the oven for dinner, and a huge pan of chili covered two stove burners for lunch. He was proud of that chili until he discovered how hot it was! On the side, he was serving chicken salad. I never understand the balance of these meals, but generally they'll keep a body afloat fairly well.
     In addition, I took a pot of soup that I'd prepared last night. I found the makings in a lovely little box at TJMaxx for $2.99. There was a little window on the box through which you could see dried lentils, rice, barley, peas and other such. The recipe was called "Chicken Thyme." A packet of flavoring came in the box. The instructions called for nearly 2 pounds of chicken breasts. So I got the bug to make that soup yesterday, and within an hour or so I realized there was far too much for me to consume, even if I froze many containers. So I schlepped the pot to the shelter this morning. I'll admit, it wasn't "pretty" with the green hue of the thyme and the slick look of the barley, but it tasted good!
    Before lunch, Doug put me to work bagging and sacking PBJs and sacking breakfast bags. Must have made 3 or 4 dozen all together. Hottie was in and out of the kitchen, bantering with Doug, keeping just enough space between himself and me… oh, sigh. If I ask a question, I get a silly answer, but when he wants to impart information, he's quite sage. He cheerfully unlocked the food closet to give me access to chicken stock. His sense of humor had him grabbing cans of hot chili peppers, jars of pink boiled eggs and pickled pigs' feet, as if he found those irresistible delicacies. So he bounces between acting the fool and closed.
     In the kitchen pantry, I found two large boxes of CANDY! The boys let me bring home a little bag of Dove chocolates… and I put Hershey kisses on each plate.
     The chicken thyme soup did better than expected. Those who were brave enough to try it asked for seconds, and Doug talked Hottie into trying it, with success.
     The kids from the hotel across the street didn't come today. Doug and I packed up the leftovers for the afternoon snack time, and he will make the dinner plates later, as the meatloaves were not done when I left.
     The little girl and her mother have moved to another shelter. One of our mothers has brought all four of her children to the shelter now, though I've never seen her or them, and yet another mother has come with a 2-month-old baby (another no-show today). The weather is lovely, and many shelter residents have family and friends they spend time with on the weekends.
     The fancy lady was extra available today. She stayed in the dining room a long time and found numerous reasons to converse with the staff. While I want to understand that such an elegant woman would need camaraderie with peers, her lifestyle and accomplishments are simply not in line with her grace and style.
     The main event of the week, Doug said, was the day a big black SUV (cops) arrived at the shelter, and everyone there was ordered to their rooms. Soon, a taxi arrived, and when the taxi fare stepped out, other vehicles swarmed in with heavily armed police who nabbed the man. He was found with FOUR guns on his person. He had come to kill a woman who broke up with him (as well as everyone else at the shelter). Fortunately, the targeted woman had been threatened and had reported it. Four guns. Wonder if he had licenses for those… or how he obtained them… but most of all why that is so "normal." Guns should be more like green chicken soup—good on occasion, but not needed in abundance.

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