Sunday, December 14, 2014


      Doug, on the other hand, is down with the real flu. He's been out since Thursday, and we don't expect him back by next Sunday. Not only that, but he got a flu shot, so we're assuming he's got that new strain… I was sorely tempted to not go today.
       The Sweet One was back in full swing, working 13-hour days this week, and he said I could make anything I wanted for lunch. We spent about 15 minutes trying the huge ring of several dozen keys on the pantry door, to no avail. So soup was out.
       Sweet One dug through the freezer and came out with hot dog nuggets, chicken nuggets, chicken tenders, and home fries. We put a cup of applesauce on the side and, as one diner said, it was a full-fat-fried meal. No complaints. One old boy towered above me at the counter and asked for just a plateful of the fries. I said, "You know, the mother in me is cringing." I'll bet he's hungry again by now.
       The kitchen, on the whole, was in sad shape. I did a lot of table and counter wiping, napkin-holder filling, coffee making, sink washing, and general duties that seldom need tending to on Sunday mornings. Sweet One assumes Miss Lillian will be holding down the fort tomorrow, and he says BOB seems to show up only when Doug is there.
       Today's children included a crawler, a toddler, two pre-schoolers, and one elementary (the little chub). My stash of goodies is fast running out. Oh, but you should have seen the toddler's face when I handed her a stuffed bear wearing a pink dress. She giggled and giggled with delight. Would that the world were so easily charmed.
       No one at the shelter has been reported with flu, so that was a relief. Sweet One said he would order anything I wanted for next week, and I gave it a lot of thought, but nothing came to mind. So we decided to make the soup and order chicken salad. It will have been three weeks since they've had that, and it's always well received. The pantry will be raided between now and then, in preparation for that meal. Sweet One also plans to ask for a key.
       Three of the pre-release volunteered to mop the dining room after lunch. I'm always surprised by their willingness to help, but Sweet One reminded me that they are horribly bored and enjoy the distraction.
       Last, I inquired about one of our homeless today. He was there last year, but not during summer. He's well dressed, very neat, well spoken, and appears quite intelligent. So I asked. Sweet One says the man is disabled because of a surgery he had for brain cancer. If you haven't had your thankful pill today, there you go.

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