Sunday, June 16, 2013


      Yes, well… I still have vertigo, but only because it cleared up for three days this week and I did not fill the two prescriptions the doctor gave me for it. Today was payback; now the prescriptions have been filled.
       Before reporting what little I gleaned from the shelter, I must share my first memorable vision of the day. Arriving in the heart of town, I saw a homeless man walking up the sidewalk. They are plentiful in that area and not usually outstanding. This man, however, was dressed for a cold winter day with coat, hat and scarf. That isn't so odd either. What struck me, on this Father's Day, was the Teddy bear he was hugging against himself. It, too, was dressed for a cold winter day.
       As for shelter benefits, it's a close call. I contributed 18 sack lunches to Doug's depleted supply, but was little help otherwise. That was okay because he had bunches of leftovers from last night that he wanted to serve out. The pre-release are not accustomed to eating leftovers (ever), and one of them took most unkindly to the plates on the counter. After swearing and walking away, the man returned for a plate. Hunger wins every time.
       Among our homeless residents, the fellow with the cane came again, looking for special treatment. Before lunch, Doug was giving me an update on the man's "requirements." Still, I wasn't prepared for that much attitude when the guy hobbled to the counter, his head preceding him, and peering through strange sunglasses as if he were blind. "Good morning," I said. "What's your bed number?"
       He glared (I guess) at the food, refused to give me any trace of acknowledgment, turned and gimped out in a huff. This young man has some serious mental disorders. I would not want to encounter him outside the safety of numbers.
       Miss Lillian's retirement is apparently carved in stone. Some of the honchos at the shelter are having a problem with letting Lillian pass the torch to Doug. You just have to wonder: when they excused Joey from his position, where did they imagine all those dominos were going to fall?
       Doug has beef stew prepared for tonight, admitting that he used the big box of canned stew I have been avoiding. He's also simmering a pot of green beans and browning a pan of rolls.
       Cutie Gatekeeper spent some time with us in the kitchen, and I always enjoy being around him—good for the eyes, good for the soul. Youth.
       In the end, I was forced to leave early. The world was spinning, and my uprightness was completely in question. As I passed through the dining room doors, the little girl and her enormous grandparents came to lunch. "Your goodies are in there, Sweetheart," I said. "Mr. Doug will give them to you."
       The baby and the 10-year-old boy still live there, I am told, but they have better places to be on Sundays—thankfully.
       Sorry there wasn't more to report. It takes time and stability to record events, and today I had neither, but I'll see you around… and around.

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